Brett Bevelacqua is the Commissioner of the Palisades WBL and owner of the Palisades WBL Dodgers.
After founding the League in 2007, Bevelacqua released a documentary about Wiffleball titled Yard Work in 2009. His background in film and television paid dividends taking the League from obscurity to the most recognized Wiffle league on the planet with the highly acclaimed web series This Month In Wiffleball. In 2010 he organized the player body and with their help rehabbed a T-ball field in disrepair.
As Commissioner he brought intelligent scheduling to the game to protect the pitcher's arms. He also modified roster rules by creating the CORE-2 which ushered in unmatched parody in the sport.
His decade long reign over the Palisades WBL has produced growth in terms of new players, revenue and audience each and every year. In 2016 Bevelacqua launched Palisades Minor League Wiffle doubling the size of the organization overnight.
As he enters his 10th season as Commissioner Bevelacqua has left his mark on the sport. Not one to sit back and admire his work Bevelacqua has set forth on a number of initiatives that will increase the Palsiades WBL profile as well as the visibility of Wiffleball.